Über uns
My name is Dénes Erdős, I am a professional photographer living in Vienna.
Allow me to introduce myself briefly: I graduated in photography in Budapest in 2014 and have since worked with renowned Hungarian media outlets as well as marketing and PR Agencies. My expertise spans business, creative, and event photography too. In 2023, I joined The Associated Press as a photojournalist, covering major events in Hungary, Austria and Slovakia. My work has been recognized with several awards, including the Zoltán Szalay Award for Best Photographer Under 30 in 2022.
I specialize in advertising and events, portraits – interviews, interiors, press conferences and photojournalism. I would be delighted to discuss your current photography needs and how I might contribute. You can review my portfolio at: https://www.erdosdenes.com
Thank you for considering collaborating with me; I look forward to the opportunity to work with your team.
Best regards,
Dénes Erdős
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